quarta-feira, 8 de maio de 2019

Pro-lifers to nationally protest waste hauler Stericycle for aborted baby disposal involvement

UNITED STATES, May 1, 2019 (LifeSiteNews) – U.S. pro-life leaders are joining forces to hold a simultaneous national protest this month against America's largest waste hauler for repeatedly being caught helping Planned Parenthood dispose of the bodies of aborted babies, even though the waste hauler denies any involvement. 

Despite the official Stericycle policy against hauling fetal remains, the company continues to pick up at Planned Parenthood facilities, the group of pro-life leaders say, and state investigators have determined that these pick-ups include fetal remains.

Thus, Citizens for a Pro-Life Society (CPLS), Created Equal, and Pro-Life Action League are organizing a major protest at the Stericycle annual stockholders meeting near Chicago on Wednesday, May 22, with concurrent protests at Stericycle locations around the U.S. 

The pro-life groups are calling on the medical waste hauler to cut its ties with the nation's biggest abortion provider.

"Stericycle needs to DUMP Planned Parenthood," Created Equal National Director Mark Harrington told LifeSiteNews. 

"Given their official company policy, it's clear that Stericycle does not want to be involved in the abortion business," said Pro-Life Action League Executive Director Eric Scheidler. "But that's impossible as long as they have contracts with Planned Parenthood, which is responsible for more than 330,000 abortions every year, more than 35% of the national total."

Scheidler has purchased a share of Stericycle stock so he can attend the May 22 meeting and share this message with the company's stockholders.

Stericycle trucks have been seen picking up medical waste at Planned Parenthood facilities that appear to be serviced by no other medical waste disposal company, and in several cases, Stericycle drivers have admitted to pro-life activists on camera that they are picking up the remains of aborted children. 

Further, investigations conducted by the states of Ohio, South Carolina, and Georgia have confirmed that Stericycle is disposing of fetal remains, the pro-life groups say, and in Ohio and South Carolina, the company was charged with improperly disposing of such remains. 

The Georgia Environmental Protection Division (GEPD) released findings of an investigation in February showing that Stericycle continues to haul and dispose of aborted babies, according to a report from Christian News Network. The GEPD also said that Stericycle is the only company picking up at the facility it investigated, despite the company's repeated claims that it does not dispose of aborted fetuses.

Stericycle was fined in 2018 for violations of a South Carolina infectious waste law, according to Created Equal, and the group's whistle blowers had uncovered ongoing illegal transactions of dead baby body parts between a Greenville, SC, abortion facility and Stericycle. A representative of Greenville Women's Clinic was captured on video on several occasions the year before illegally transporting dead babies in a passenger car and transferring the aborted baby body parts to a Stericycle waste truck at a local gas station.

"Stericycle is lying about its transportation and disposal of fetal remains," Harrington said. "Stericycle needs to dump the abortion cartel altogether or face continued public exposure, humiliation and more criminal charges."

Created Equal launched Project Weak Link in 2016 based on the abortion industry's own experts ceding that medical waste companies such as Stericycle are the industry's weak link. The project raises awareness about medical waste haulers servicing the abortion businesses in hopes of getting the haulers to end their relationship with big abortion and eliminate the industry's ability to dispose of aborted children.   

LifeSiteNews has chronicled the project's progress and successes since its beginning.

Created Equal has flyered Stericycle's neighborhoods, launched several social media campaigns, exposed the company for breaking the law and protested a shareholders meeting.

Stericycle has a new CEO after its previous chief and other executives stepped down in February amid falling stocks, and Harrington said the pro-life groups are praying the new CEO will behave differently than previous leadership.

"We needed to up the pressure on Stericycle since they continue to deny enabling Planned Parenthood," Harrington told LifeSiteNews of this latest initiative. "It is the next logical step." 

The Ohio Attorney General had confirmed in 2015 that Stericycle was transporting and disposing aborted babies for a Planned Parenthood facility there, and eyewitnesses have also repeatedly filmed Stericycle trucks picking up 'medical waste' at abortion centers nationwide over several years.

Stericycle has had a longtime alliance with the abortion industry for the collection, transportation and incineration of aborted children, which has included partnering with infamous abortionist Kermit Gosnell in the disposal of the unborn children he aborted.

Pro-life activists called for an investigation of the waste hauler in 2013 after evidence surfaced that Stericycle unlawfully disposed of the bodies of babies aborted by Gosnell in a municipal landfill.

In 2012, Stericycle had been reportedly servicing the late-term abortion facility of Steven Brigham, who was facing numerous charges, including murder, at the time.

In 2011, Stericycle was fined $42,000 for illegally dumping aborted babies into a municipal landfill in Texas together with household and commercial garbage.

The company had said in the past it does not accept fetuses in keeping with its regulated waste acceptance policy, which prohibited acceptance of "complete human remains." This would not take into account, however, the remains of aborted children, who could have been dismembered, decapitated and disemboweled.

And the relationship between Stericycle and the abortion industry goes back many more years, Citizens for a Pro-Life Society Director Monica Migliorino Miller noted.

"Stericycle has been involved in a decades-long scandal," Miller told LifeSiteNews, "serving abortion centers by taking the dead bodies of the victims of abortion. They need to be shamed for their part in the death industry."  

Miller and other members of CPLS are some of the eyewitnesses to the company's involvement in disposing of aborted children.

Twenty-seven years ago members of her group went to the Stericycle compound in Lombard, Illinois, she said. 

"We looked into the open semi trucks that were pulled up to the loading dock," Miller recounted. "It was a Sunday afternoon and no one was on-site except us."  

"We opened some boxes in the semi's and indeed we found aborted babies and retrieved them!" she said. "They are buried at Holy Cross Cemetery in Milwaukee." 

"This was way back in 1992," said Miller. "Not much, sadly, has changed. We would also see the Stericycle trucks pull up at abortion centers when we were there sidewalk counseling." 

"We even tried to convince the drivers to give us the bodies for burial," she said. "But they never would - Too afraid of being fired!"  

"We've seen that Stericycle's official policy is not enough," said Harrington. "Stericycle has been caught again and again helping Planned Parenthood dispose of the bodies of its unborn victims."

"We are going national in our public awareness campaign," he said. "We will never give up until all abortion enablers are exposed."

The coalition of pro-life groups is currently recruiting local pro-life activists throughout the country to coordinate protests at Stericycle offices, waste disposal centers, and other facilities on May 22.

Click HERE for more information and to take part.

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